Brexit has taken a notable step backwards

Luke McGee  |  Productor senior de CNN y CNN International

It's tempting to believe the cliche that in Brexit, nothing ever changes.

But after three nights of dramatic, confusing and chaotic votes in the House of Commons, things are looking a little different.
We now know that on Thursday of next week (March 21), Prime Minister Theresa May will ask the European Union to extend the Article 50 Brexit deadline. For how long depends on whether or not her Brexit divorce deal is approved by her own lawmakers before that date. As things stand, her deal looks no closer to passing a vote in parliament. On Thursday, 188 members of her own party voted against the government's motion to delay Brexit.
Only two things of late have carried a majority among lawmakers: opposing a no-deal Brexit and delaying Brexit, which both sound distinctly un-Brexity. And neither is entirely within the United Kingdom's control.
But as we drift closer to the big day when the UK is slated to leave (March 29), the Commons is giving us a better idea of what it doesn't want. It doesn't want May's deal, a no deal or to scrap Brexit altogether. It doesn't even want a second referendum, despite the noise made about putting the vote back to the public by some in the political class.
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Fuente: CNN
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